10 Random Reasons Why My Mom Is The Best
In honor of Mother's Day and my mother's well-timed birthday (happy 26th mom!), I give you some rather random reasons why she ~rocks~
1. She loves my friends like they're her own children, because they pretty much are.

2. She understands technology and social media. For example, she likes to share my instagram photos to facebook. (WHO EVEN KNEW THAT WAS POSSIBLE?!)

3. She loves her family. This photo was captioned, "my dad can beat up your dad." Well guess what, he's pretty old, but that's actually true. That man is weirdly fit.

4. She gave me two exceptional older brothers. They deserve a separate post they're so awesome.

5. Even after raising us raging weirdos (that part isn't her fault), she continues to teach these little cuties and love them like her own. Straight up, that woman rocks, kids are scary sometimes (all the time).

6. She is hottttt as haaaaallleeeeee. SLAY MAMA. I'm not even mad she's wearing my shoes.

7. She fights for love. Ugh that's also my dress, jeez mom. #selfie

8. She has great taste. She dresses like a casual boss AND stages homes. She watches HGTV so hard that Chip and Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper RETWEET HER.

9. She loves the beach (and me) so much that she and Randy took me there for spring break when I was a freshman in college and everyone else was going to PCB. Well, IT WAS FREE SNITCHES and she even fed me.

10. She sent me to college in 2012 and to Italy in 2015 and she wasn't even mad about it.

You've always been the best, Miss Kimberly.
I love you!
And a big shoutout to all of my other moms today, you know you're also the best people in all of our lives.
Thanks for making us.