Final Photo Project "GIRLS"
Because they do run the world. Here's some inspiration from some awesome ladies both famous and not.

10 Random Reasons Why My Mom Is The Best
In honor of Mother's Day and my mother's well-timed birthday (happy 26th mom!), I give you some rather random reasons why she ~rocks~ 1....

Portrait Project "Laughter" (feat. the #squad)
Big shoutout to my roommatemodels. I made them listen to my jokes and wear all black, but they're beautiful and so is their laughter....

Shooting Practice #4 Portrait
Shooting portrait in the studio made me feel like a bona fide pro... if a pro always felt like she had no idea what she was doing....

Our Easter was a 5 day weekend and excuse to sit around a lot both inside and outside. Most study abroad students and Florentine citizens...
The Story of the Time Hannah + Abigail Got Lost in London in the Middle of the Night
Preface: We are maybe dumb. Hannah and I boarded the flight on Thursday and popped over to London with no problem at all (thx RyanAir)....

Urban Inspiration
Those random pictures of sitings that probably only matter to me. #urban #inspiration #london #camden #edinburgh #dublin #grafitti...

11 days, 5 flights, 3 friends, 1 backpack
Obviously 1 backpack per person, we're not animals. I would imagine Spring Break was a little different for us than most other college...

Unplanned Moments of Happiness
Sometimes your plane drops you off in a different city. Sometimes the buses don't run until 30 minutes before your flight so you're...

Mt. Etna
Last weekend, Allie and I got to do one of our favorite things: hike a mountain. Actually, it's a volcano. And it was unbelievable. Mt....