Unplanned Moments of Happiness
Sometimes your plane drops you off in a different city. Sometimes the buses don't run until 30 minutes before your flight so you're...

Venezia, Italia
We avoided Carnaval and discovered Venice on our own time. What we discovered is that from almost every point in Venice, if you look...

10 Things I Didn't Know About Living in Italy
Other titles for this post: 10 Things That Make Me An Idiot 10 Ways You Can Make Fun of Me 10 Reasons To Laugh 10 Things to Learn Becuase...

Studying Abroad: The Reality
Today was a good day. I slept in, I bought a cappuccino in the morning, I had lunch with my roommates in an adorable cafe, I got a weird...

Preparing Myself
G E L A T O (The word, the thing, the experience, the flavor. They all demand attention and deserve bolded, s p a c e d, CAPPED,...