Unplanned Moments of Happiness
Sometimes your plane drops you off in a different city. Sometimes the buses don't run until 30 minutes before your flight so you're...

Did Ya Know Allie Is Here?
There is nothing better than your bestie in Europe. After a small panic when Allie's plane decided to land in Pisa, we greeted her with...

Studying Abroad: The Reality
Today was a good day. I slept in, I bought a cappuccino in the morning, I had lunch with my roommates in an adorable cafe, I got a weird...

Looks Like It's All Going To Work Out
This was my fortune cookie today. Let's hope it's right. #fortunecookie #studyabroad #coffee #sign

Accepted (not the 2006 teen movie)
Today, my friends, Lauren and I were accepted by K-State to study abroad. Somehow they believed all the lies we told about our academic...